
Kavanaugh’s testimony was the GOP dog lapping up its own vomit.

I just thought again about baseball being The Razor’s Edge between life and death, sports-wise. Have you heard that some consider athleticism a seventh form of intelligence?


The announcers in baseball point out infinitesimal moments in the life of a carousel. Times when kids choose some things over others. The people I pay attention to love incredible moments and pointing them out. We are in the postseason now. The creamy top.
The chessboard is always the same but the events are ever-changing, endless and always full of life.

I tell you the whole world is coming to baseball after having to see the Fiasco that was this year’s World Cup. The cheering squad mob.
You throw your head at a heavy ball, taking one for the team.
Good luck later on.

The racist lives in what I would call a grouposphere.
Safe in its numbers it goes along however. Once its shelter is revealed it descends to somewhere. It’s up to them. And their prospects fall daily. Trump has cleared the way for the inevitable, that we can openly call ALL Republicans racists.

Good news for Modern Man.